#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description tour.description = A tour around Edinburgh looking splendid and sparkly ### Title tour.name = Edinburgh Advent 2020 ## Skin ### Button Button_1B998D00_16C4_0505_41AD_67CAA4AAEFE0_mobile.label = ADVENT SCENES Button_1B999D00_16C4_0505_41AB_D0C2E7857448.label = ADVENT SCENES Button_1B9A3D00_16C4_0505_41B2_6830155B7D52.label = ABOUT US Button_1B9A3D00_16C4_0505_41B2_6830155B7D52_mobile.label = ABOUT US Button_23F057B8_0C0A_629D_41A2_CD6BDCDB0145.label = lorem ipsum ### Multiline Text HTMLText_0B42C466_11C0_623D_4193_9FAB57A5AC33.html =
Edinburgh Advent
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Tom Duffin Photography
& 3dScotland.co.uk

Because so many people can't visit Edinburgh at Christmas this year we've collected 3D images from across our city to allow everyone to step inside & experience it, anywhere in the world.

Immerse yourself in the images and the sounds. Lie on your back and watch the snow descend - mind not get a snowflake right in yer eye.

We hope you all have a safe and joy filled time over the festive period and we really look forward to welcoming everyone in 2021 as soon as it is safe.

Please do visit the websites of the charities involved.

If you love images of Edinburgh and Scotland you can follow my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts for regular content.

Merry Christmas

HTMLText_0B4B0DC1_11C0_6277_41A4_201A5BB3F7AE_mobile.html =
tom duffin photographer
& 3D Scotland.co.uk
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Lorem ipsum
dolor sit amet

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Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.

Integer gravida dui quis euismod placerat. Maecenas quis accumsan ipsum. Aliquam gravida velit at dolor mollis, quis luctus mauris vulputate. Proin condimentum id nunc sed sollicitudin.

Donec feugiat:
• Nisl nec mi sollicitudin facilisis
• Nam sed faucibus est.
• Ut eget lorem sed leo.
• Sollicitudin tempor sit amet non urna.
• Aliquam feugiat mauris sit amet.
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aDVENT sCENES: Choose where to view next
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advent scenes:
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Because so many people can't visit Edinburgh at Christmas this year we've collected 3D images from across our city to allow everyone to step inside & experience it, anywhere in the world.

Immerse yourself in the images and the sounds. Lie on your back and watch the snow descend - mind not get a snowflake right in yer eye.

We hope you all have a safe and joy filled time over the festive period and we really look forward to welcoming everyone in 2021 as soon as it is safe.

Take your time stepping through each scene, listen to the music and visit the websites of the charities involved.

If you love images of Edinburgh and Scotland you can follow my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts for regular content.

Merry Christmas
### Label Label_0DD14F09_1744_0507_41AA_D8475423214A.text = Edinburgh Advent Label_0DD14F09_1744_0507_41AA_D8475423214A_mobile.text = edinburgh advent Label_0DD1AF09_1744_0507_41B4_9F5A60B503B2_mobile.text = 3d Scotland ## Media ### Subtitle panorama_2E18FEB9_2594_3C61_41A6_BB13385509BC.subtitle = West Bow & Victoria St looking festive & bombed by newly weds, with the Grassmarket Community Choir singing Silent Night panorama_BD6F7441_9D30_6CA6_41D3_46D527D629F6.subtitle = with the Caley, Rutland, St John's, St Cuthberts and the red castle ### Title album_10CA95BE_1FE0_3C86_41BF_0A794675638F.label = Photo Album Castlehill-Castle-from-Camera-Obscura-websized album_10CA95BE_1FE0_3C86_41BF_0A794675638F_0.label = Castlehill-Castle-from-Camera-Obscura-websized panorama_2032E6C7_3D63_E93A_419A_F3619F6112F3.label = Blackford Hill in the snow panorama_2108344D_35E4_29CC_41B2_0DA0105501A0.label = The Vennel time travel to 1880 panorama_2132EA14_3D1C_195C_4172_B9C7B03E97ED.label = Castlehill at Christmas panorama_23FD17A2_3D2C_1775_41B9_71138EB3CD4E.label = The Vennel - without narration panorama_27368085_3DED_E93F_41C5_96EEC40B11A1.label = The Vennel & red castle panorama_2E18FEB9_2594_3C61_41A6_BB13385509BC.label = West Bow with Grassmarket Choir panorama_852AD346_8CD0_14B1_41CA_B3858AE51746.label = Old College Quadrangle panorama_B0A08D01_9D30_3CA6_41B8_28C558CD504A.label = Calton Hill on Christmas Eve panorama_B0A0B54D_9D30_6CBE_41DD_C9FBAC720CE0.label = Bruntsfield Links panorama_B0A17F3D_9D30_3CD9_41E2_001795CDEC43.label = Grassmarket panorama_B0A19500_9D30_ECA6_41D0_1B24EA8DDA32.label = Castle Esplanade at Christmas panorama_B0A1A967_9D30_E76A_41BB_3B600E756B5B.label = Cockburn Street panorama_B0DCFD7A_9D30_5F5A_41E0_A759F226729C.label = St Cuthberts Graveyard. panorama_B87F40EA_9D30_257A_41C6_4B9ADE51AC48.label = One World Shop panorama_BD2B50BB_9D30_25DB_41CF_0D8F60990A7D.label = Parliament Square with St Giles choir panorama_BD6F7441_9D30_6CA6_41D3_46D527D629F6.label = The West End panorama_BDCE4F0B_9D33_FCBA_41D0_1D2AAC916444.label = St Giles High Kirk in the crown tower panorama_BF0B9DCE_9D30_7FBA_41DA_F65DB3631205.label = St Johns Kirk and One World Shop photo_34B07BFD_258C_1BE1_41B0_634FE8AF2898.label = West-Bow-Well-Up-Street-1280-websized photo_A336C36F_9D31_EB7B_41D7_61210BB4D47B.label = shop-snowman-baubles photo_B80F7638_9DD0_2CE6_41CA_CC4B37C776C5.label = bell-ringing-room photo_B9F304C4_9DD0_2DAD_41DD_DB090A127C23.label = Lockdown choir photo_BBFF7F5A_9D33_DB5A_41E2_D7A6969E8105.label = LS Staff and members in choir video_8E6AF837_83B8_D8A7_41CC_5830EE29F063.label = J446281_MKT_DIG_PANTO VIDEOS_NOV18 M7 video_8E95CD56_83B8_78E6_41BD_94CB0E1E3A8F.label = J446281_MKT_DIG_PANTO VIDEOS_NOV18 M5 ## Popup ### Body htmlText_23E597D0_3D2C_16D5_41C6_5D7979A12552.html =
December 4th - The Vennel

Today we know this steep thoroughfare as The Vennel, however it was the West Port Vennel or the Lauriston Vennel in times past. The word Vennel is from Latin, meaning small street or public passage. It was one of the many words introduced to our vocabulary with the creation of the Burgh systems in Scottish towns from the time of David I.

The Vennel runs down outside the old Town Wall which defended the expanding city. It's one of the ancient routes in the city and one of the most picturesque, as it slides down to the Grassmarket, supervised by the magnificent half moon battery of the castle above on its high and mighty rock.

It might be picturesque 'Auld Reekie' but the washing still needs to be hung out in the distance.

Image Credits:
Knox series postcard
The Living Memory Association

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The West Bow Well was built in 1674 to provide fresh water to the Grassmarket, supplied by the reservoir up on Castlehill, which is now the Scottish Shop we featured festooned with lights in the 1st December advent scene.
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December 3rd
Blackford Hill

Many of you won't be able to visit Edinburgh this year, so we're bringing Edinburgh closer to you.

It snowed overnight so we thought Blackford Hill would be a great place to see the city with a white advent sparkle. It's been a favourite haunt for our family over the years so I've spread a small scattering of shots taken here.

All of my images are available printed any way you like and there is still time to order a print for delivery before Christmas.

Ask us anything at tom@tomduffin.com

You can support us by ordering a 2021 Calendar hidden in various parts of the scenes and available here

Love from Edinburgh
Your hosts
Lost Edinburgh, 3DScotland & Tom Duffin
htmlText_A54AE534_9D30_6CEE_4196_A1CA74D5686A.html =
One World is a fair trade shop.
Our aim is to reduce poverty in poor areas of the world through trading more fairly.

Our Mission is to source and sell sustainable & fairly traded goods from around the world using an ethical and transparent framework, promoting equality and educating consumers along the way.

By shopping here you are helping to make the world a fairer place.


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That sound is the bells of St Cuthbert's next door where the ringers still love giving it laldy when they are allowed to gather.

This rendition is "Rounds on Eight"
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The bell ringing by St Cuthbert's ringers was Plain Bob Major Qtr

They can't meet at the moment but here's an image of the bell ringing chamber.

Visit the website of this kirk, known as the Mother Kirk of Edinburgh as there is a very long history of Christian worship at this site.

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How beautiful is this rendition of Silent Night?

It was recorded by the Grassmarket Community Project Choir who have been rehearsing and performing virtually during the restrictions.

The Grassmarket Community Project is a charitable trust providing sanctuary and support to people dealing with multiple complex issues. Think about giving them a Christmas thanks for their wonderful work, and for their fantastic singing.

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"If ye would hear the angels sing"

was performed by St Giles’ Cathedral Choir in an online carol concert.

Composer – Peter Backhouse

Conductor - Michael Harris – Master of the Music

Organist - Jordan English

Find out more about this fascinating historic building at the centre of Edinburgh life -


Here's a photo of the choir in full voice in a lockdown rehearsal online.
htmlText_BBB3C465_9D30_2D6E_41B2_41BAC684A575.html =
How beautiful is this rendition of Silent Night?

It was recorded by the Grassmarket Community Project Choir who have been rehearsing and performing virtually during the restrictions.

The Grassmarket Community Project is a charitable trust providing sanctuary and support to people dealing with multiple complex issues. Think about giving them a Christmas thanks for their wonderful work, and for their fantastic singing.

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favourite person the best 2021 Calendar of Edinburgh HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_350BB864_2594_04E7_418F_708D1AA30EFE.toolTip = Go to 2nd - West Bow HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_35216B4F_25FC_0421_41BE_AD034B4EDCE4.toolTip = View from up here during Open Streets day HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_38436BEC_2BEC_1ECC_419A_F5B577D5BC16.toolTip = Cyclist at sunset HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_39B1B56D_2B2C_6BCF_41A2_D37558440080.toolTip = Go to Blackford Hill in the snow HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3DBBA1E1_2B3C_2AF7_41C1_3E9ADEB5B06A.toolTip = The Observatory and the Bass Rock HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3DCD7A69_2B64_39F7_41B2_30476B95BA04.toolTip = 3 amigos at sunset HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3DECC074_2B63_E9DE_41A3_E4BAE6423FE7.toolTip = It gets busy up here at sunset HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3E02F6D1_2B1C_16D4_41C0_31D893D46A1A.toolTip = The bench HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3E387EB3_2B24_195B_41B0_108AF0332F25.toolTip = A couple at sunset 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